A Note from Our Guest Editor – Maureen Clap

Helo frends what hav youall been doing today i hopingyourwell today —- i will be guess edittting as the eddingtor for MUFFIFN IDLE OF WGHT.

whatt shuldi be talkingbouTTT. here hmmm>? THAst very good questingonion i shuld sayu SO. WELLFIRST I shuld be saygnin that i loOVE THE JAM!

i looove mayking thge jam; jarring thee jam; putin cute litlle signs On The Jam; andOFCOURSE i reeeealy licke spredding it (The Jam) on my toest…

“SO I HERE YOU ASKE” whut flavvors of TheJam did you mak? another VERYGGOOD-QUESTINGONION!! in my yearsI have mde so many james anmd they are in all shapes and all sizes. some are BLACK-BERRY some are GOOSEEBERRY some are STRAWSDERRY and finally but not limited to LOGANSBERRY. all will be delcioius.

so thiswasmy briefs history of MAUREENclap pleese write to be at “”1 the HAMlet newport POPO6632Y” makesure you write Mrs clap as thats me, dont be writting MR clap as he deadnow. bye.