Ventnor Town Council to Deploy Itself to Ukraine

After discussions with The United Nations have agreed to airdrop members of Ventnor Town Council into keys areas of the Ukraine.

After weeks of escalating violence in the capital of Kyiv and other areas of the country the United Nations held an urgent meeting with members of Ventnor Town Council to discuss sending reinforcements to the Ukraine.

Members of the Town Council provided a visual demonstration of their guerilla warfare skills and a PowerPoint presentation on establishing what they described as “tactical democratic Women’s Institutes” across the key locations. After talks Ventnor Town Council received unanimous support. They will be shipped out first class to Kyiv early tomorrow morning.

“Am I scared?” laughed Councillor Maureen Prattle, as she smeared her face with tactical camouflage paint. “No. I have been training for this moment ever since I retired as a clerk at my local insurance company. I crave the scent of insurrection, the taste of justice. I need it, and by-golly I will get it.”